Category: RPGs

  • 2023 D&D Done

    As 2023 begins there’s a bit of a storm-in-a-teacup regarding the Open Gaming License (OGL), leaked documents, and OneDnD. There are various conspiracy theories, “legal-isms”, and opinions. It’s going to hit a lot of those publishers who relied on 5e D&D as their income, it’s going to move the game completely online, etc. What this…

  • 2019 – Looking Forward, Not Back

    In the past I’ve looked back on the previous year’s events, and made a few observations about the previous year, etc. I’m not doing so much of that this time: I’ve been pretty busy over the last few months, and haven’t really had much time to game – as a GM or player. I have…

  • New Edinburgh RPG Club – thoughts

    This is cobbled together from thoughts on Twitter and Facebook. It regards a new Edinburgh RPG Club. It’s something I’ve been considering for some time. While ORC Edinburgh is a community, it’s not a club. We have no fixed abode/venue. Having a regular RPG club venue and day removes at least two setup unknowns: “when”…

  • Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Beta Test

    I will begin running beta tests of Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 edition from February onward, as part of ORC Edinburgh, or at [ELG]. It’s one of several systems and worlds I work on, along with Infinity and the Mutant Chronicles. Most likely, they will be a series of one-off games. The venue(s) is/are to be confirmed, on a Saturday…

  • A Year in Gaming – A Review of 2018

    I think it’s correct this last year has been something of a roller-coaster. There’s been a lot of ups and downs for me personally, and it is safe to say I’m very much in a better place – literally – than earlier this year. I moved out from my flat in Albert Street, which is…

  • Writing goals for late 2017

    Since I last blogged, things have been busy. I’ve had a lot on, and the day job has been fairly frenetic. So what’s been happening? My freelancer work has seen me doing indexes for a number of Modiphius core books: Infinity, Conan, and Star Trek Adventures (my name is front and centre in the credits!).…

  • Breaking Radio Silence!

    It’s been a bit quiet on here recently. There’s a lot of reasons for this. The main reason is the lack of time, but there’s another contributing factor: I’ve had to slow down a little. So what’s eating my time? Put simply, work is largely responsible along with poor health and trying to do too…

  • Damnation Dossier: The Heimburg Hellraisers

    The Heimburg Hellraisers first appeared in the Cartel Tactical Centre fanzine for the Mutant Chronicles. I write a column called the Damnation Dossier for CTC, under the guise of the Serenity’s Agent 😉 Compiled by Her Serenity’s Agent Sir William Heron. CLASSIFICATION: Brickbat Lingerie Sirs. Upon my recent sojourn to Dark Eden during the Incident (see…

  • RPG Retrospective – 2016

    I have mixed feelings about 2016. I reckon everybody has now. I’ve had a load of setbacks, but have also upped my “game” this year considerably. Not all of these setbacks were gaming related, but they impacted on both myself and my gaming nonetheless. I made the official jump to being a freelancer last December (as…

  • ORC Edinburgh: Moving On

    ORC Edinburgh (Open Roleplaying Community Edinburgh) is the RPG community website I’ve been running for several years. It has been a challenge. The RPG scene in Edinburgh has grown exponentially, along with other tabletop games. Over the last few months, I’ve realised I can’t keep track of the various games and groups, not to mention…