Tag: Traveller RPG
Playtesting RPGs
Over the years, I’ve participated in playtests for a number of games, often as part of ORC. It’s a good community to run such games in as we have a variety of different gamer age groups – from younger gamers just starting out in their first RPG, to those who first played D&D in the…
Ruminations & Realisations
As you might have heard, my life has taken an interesting turn recently. As a result of me becoming involved in the The Secret Fire Beta test I blogged about previously, I’ve also become involved in helping to develop the game in some small part. Without breaking an NDA, I’m actually enjoying the creative process,…
Beta Game
There’s a certain SQUEE!!!! factor to this: I was recently contacted by George Strayton, an Origins-nominated games designer (and also the writer for several TV series and movies: Xena, Hercules, Cleopatra 2525, Transformers, Star Trek, and the forthcoming Xombie movie). He also wrote the script for the Dragonlance movie. He’s in Edinburgh in early May…