Tag: Running RPGs
Getting gamers in
(Revised January 2015) I’ve been gaming in various venues as part of ORC Edinburgh, and what follows maybe something of personal observations. It’s basically about the places I’ve gamed and some of my experiences at these places, and what I’d prefer to have in a venue. I’m pretty certain that some folk will empathise with…
Time Management – the modern GM
Time management for me has become a huge priority. Being a GM running two campaigns and an RPG community website is a lot of work, even if you’re using prepared materials of established frameworks. I’m not someone who finds boredom easily as a result. Being a GM is a serious time commitment as you get…
D&D 5e Demo Games: Edinburgh
D&D 5e (Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition) came out in July with both the Starter Pack and the Player’s Handbook (PHB) released at the same time. The D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) and Monster Manual (MM) will shortly follow over the next couple of months. This probably isn’t news to most RPG fans, but what…
The Void RPG: Running the Game
The Void RPG from Wildfire is one of those games that appears to have snuck past the radar of most RPG groups. It’s a pity, because the mechanics are very easy (and basic) to pick up and the game is one of those that lends itself well to someone looking to spook the hell out…
RPGs – Cinematic Style!
Bringing a cinematic feel to an RPG is something I’ve had a measure of success with in the past as a GM. By “cinematic”, I’m not referring to games like Toon or Cliché (although what I’m writing here may be of use in these games), but instead the playing of the game using movie techniques…
Gaming Adults – We’re Grown Up
Recently I read an article on how RPGs (notably D&D) had helped writers become better at their craft. However, once I finished reading through it there was an implication that the interviewees had largely grown out of the hobby. Unfortunately it’s a common media assumption. It’s a childish pastime, played by those who are socially…
A GM’s Duties
GMs put a lot of effort into running an RPG – some more than others. All too often, folk regard GMs as the ones that should be doing EVERYTHING for a gaming group. So I started think of what we, as GMs, are responsible for; before, during, or after the game. And a few a…
The Pragmatic GM approach (being a GM is hard work)
Being a GM is hard work. There’s no bones about it. Sitting down and planning an RPG campaign is a huge undertaking these days, even if it is only for a few sessions. A lot of players simply think that a GM spends his time thinking up new ways to kill their PCs. Let’s be…
GM accessories – a wish list
It is GM’s Day today at DrivethruRPG: as a GM I’m often looking for cool stuff to give to players, and to make my life as a GM easier (I’m lazy that way!). I recently picked up a number of old boxed adventures for AD&D on eBay recently, like the Dragon Mountain set. I’d forgotten…
Running Shadows over Bogenhafen (WFRP) Summary
I finished running Shadows over Bogenhafen for WFRP last weekend. The experience I had was interesting, to say the least. Although it was fun to run, there are some significant flaws in the supplement and adventure. Although Mistaken Identity from the Enemy Within campaign book is linear it provided quite a good way to get…