Tag: Rants and Ruminations
I’ve been contending with a certain amount of restlessness recently. I’m sleeping better, and my stress levels are pretty low. My general health is good although I’m suffering from allergy-induced eczema which is driving me a little crazy right now. I’ve been at a bit of a loss to explain why I’m so restless, but…
Setting some goals – The Things To Do List!
Someone recently called me one of Edinburgh’s gaming celebrities. I’m kind of amused by that: I certainly don’t consider myself that way! Yes, I run a blog and may be fairly well-known around town, and I do try and keep the various gaming communities in the loop. I see myself as fulfilling more of a function…
Procrastinating timey-wimey stuff
I’m going to be pretty candid with myself here. I think I’m largely failing right now as a writer, or even game designer. This doesn’t really upset me, as I can pretty much pinpoint the cause of my failure to get on with any writing – now that I know what the reason is! Ultimately: it’s all timey-wimey…
Evolution of a Gaming Site & the Dark Side
When I began writing this post become something far different than I’d envisaged. Then I realised: it’s May the 6th – May the Sith be with you. Welcome to the Dark Side. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.…
Sanity Check – dealing with self-doubt
The Sanity Check is a common test in The Call of Cthulhu RPG, and it’s as good a title as any. This is slightly off-topic for the usual blog but I think it’s relevant to a certain degree. Ultimately it’s why gaming has been good for me, and helped me grow as an adult. RPGs…
Gaming Snobbery – My Flaws!
Gaming snobbery. I’m a gaming snob: I admit it. Well, to a certain extent. I’m sure that a lot of people would claim they’re not. I don’t play LARPs (Live Action Role Play). I occasionally play video games (both PC and console). I play wargames or boardgames sporadically. I don’t play collectible card games at…
Gaming Adults – We’re Grown Up
Recently I read an article on how RPGs (notably D&D) had helped writers become better at their craft. However, once I finished reading through it there was an implication that the interviewees had largely grown out of the hobby. Unfortunately it’s a common media assumption. It’s a childish pastime, played by those who are socially…
A GM’s Duties
GMs put a lot of effort into running an RPG – some more than others. All too often, folk regard GMs as the ones that should be doing EVERYTHING for a gaming group. So I started think of what we, as GMs, are responsible for; before, during, or after the game. And a few a…
Wildfire LLC – the “Firefly” of RPG makers
I’m feeling a little disappointed from news I’ve seen about Wildfire LLC, the makers of Cthulhutech and The Void. Sadly, from discussions I’ve seen on the Wildfire forum, it looks very likely that they are heading away from RPGs, and plan to focus on boardgames and card games. There’s only going to be a few…
William Heron’s 40, ‘K?
It was my 40th birthday earlier in the week. The last twenty years seem to have passed so quickly, but its quite a long time when I think about it. In that time I’ve changed careers form Audiovisual to Computing – I probably wouldn’t have been the best AV guy anyway given that I was…