Tag: PBM

  • RPG retrospective 2013

    RPG retrospective 2013 is the latest in what has become something of an annual tradition for me. I’ve let the GMs and players over at ORC speak for themselves on the ORC website, but its been quite a year for me. Personal achievements I’ve not written so much on this blog this year, as to…

  • Kickstarter campaigns for RPGs

    I’d originally written a whole spiel on Kickstarter campaigns for RPGs as part of my last blog post but saved over by accident! For those unaware of Kickstarter, its a funding tool owned by Amazon that allows people to pledge cash towards a project, with “stretch goal” rewards. It has been used with great success…

  • GM Burnout

    “It’s better to burn out than fade away!” The Kurgan, Highlander I think there comes a time when everyone “burns out”, creatively speaking – be it storytelling, writing or GMing. I feel it every few years when I’m running RPGs, and I reckon I’m not alone in experiencing it. Creativity isn’t like a tap –…

  • Dark & Dangerous

    Well, I completed my work on the The Secret Fire RPG yesterday, right on schedule. Having never been involved on developing an RPG on a real basis, this has proved something of a learning curve for me. It will be officially released at GenCon – yes, THAT GenCon! When you design as part of a team,…

  • Building a Community Website

    A recent query got me thinking. Over the years I’ve done quite a bit on the website here and on the ORC community website recently, and it has given me a bit of an insight into website creation and the technologies involved. Most universities allow their societies some web space that they can use to…