Tag: Marvel Super Heroes

  • RPG retrospective 2012 – Edinburgh Gaming

    In what’s become something of an annual tradition, I’m taking a look back over the year in a RPG retrospective. By that, I mean to talk about stuff that happened over the last year in various RPGs I’ve been involved with over the year. And events at ORC Edinburgh of course. I’ve had little chance…

  • Gaming in Edinburgh – July 2012

    Well, its been a while since I’ve blogged anything, but that’s largely because I’ve been so busy! These “Gaming in Edinburgh” posts I do are obviously largely geared toward events at http://orcedinburgh.co.uk, but I try to keep things up to date where possible in regard to gaming in Edinburgh generally. I’m working on a few…

  • RPGers assemble & Impossible Odds

    The new Avengers movie out this month is something I’m planning to go and see next week. As a result, I’m planning to run the Marvel Super Heroes RPG, originally published in the 1980s – there’s a newer version out but I’m not sure if I’ll get it in time. I’m planning to run the…

  • RPG plans for Summer 2012

    I’ve got quite a bit of things planned over the next few months, both on the site and at ORC Edinburgh. And its not just me: there’s a mini-campaign of the Dragon Age RPG kicking off, a Pathfinder game, a GURPS Swashbuckling Superhero game, as well as my own Marvel Super Heroes game. I’m also…

  • The Art of “Winging it”

    Improvisation isn’t really an art as such but it can work extremely well when your players go off on one of those tangents that they love to do so often… and I know some players love doing it to games. The secret is: don’t let them know that you’re winging it. Or give them enough…