Tag: Judge Dredd
RPG retrospective 2013
RPG retrospective 2013 is the latest in what has become something of an annual tradition for me. I’ve let the GMs and players over at ORC speak for themselves on the ORC website, but its been quite a year for me. Personal achievements I’ve not written so much on this blog this year, as to…
POD, Casting, and Podcasts!
I’ve recently taken part in my first podcast. Podcasts are a relatively new experience for me. I’ve never had the chance to participate in one before, so when Brian from Hazard Gaming contacted ORC about participants for his Penny Red podcast I thought I’d have a go. I’m not sure how well I interviewed for…
Designing a fantasy city
Designing a fantasy city for an RPG setting is quite a challenge, even for those GMs that have been running games for years! While I’ve described much of a mediaeval-style city or settlement, the ideas here can easily be applied to any setting. Defences This is the easiest place to start for many GMs. Depending…