Tag: Freelancing

  • 2023 D&D Done

    As 2023 begins there’s a bit of a storm-in-a-teacup regarding the Open Gaming License (OGL), leaked documents, and OneDnD. There are various conspiracy theories, “legal-isms”, and opinions. It’s going to hit a lot of those publishers who relied on 5e D&D as their income, it’s going to move the game completely online, etc. What this…

  • A Year in Gaming – A Review of 2018

    I think it’s correct this last year has been something of a roller-coaster. There’s been a lot of ups and downs for me personally, and it is safe to say I’m very much in a better place – literally – than earlier this year. I moved out from my flat in Albert Street, which is…

  • A Silent Spring!

    It’s been pretty quiet here recently. There’s a number of reasons for this, and I’ll come to them shortly: it’s a mixture of good and bad news. Simply put: I’d had a lot of plans but some are going to have to take a back seat. I’ll be attending the UK Games Expo and Dragonmeet conventions this…

  • Dragonmeet 2015: D-3 Days

    Sorry, it’s been a bit quiet around here for a while – I’ll come to the reason for that shortly! Dragonmeet is on this weekend, a London convention that I attended last year for the first time. It’s only one day but I enjoyed it last year – plus there’s a pub meet for the…

  • Writing Considerations – October 2015

    I’ve been really busy these last few weeks, with one thing or the other. Much of it has been spent organising gaming stuff, but the majority has been trying to make a reputation for myself as a freelance writer/developer. I’ve recently indexed three supplements, and although it’s not “creative” it does encourage a certain amount…

  • Procrastinating timey-wimey stuff

    I’m going to be pretty candid with myself here. I think I’m largely failing right now as a writer, or even game designer. This doesn’t really upset me, as I can pretty much pinpoint the cause of my failure to get on with any writing – now that I know what the reason is! Ultimately: it’s all timey-wimey…

  • Q-Con 2014 Belfast – possibly my first RPG convention

    Q-Con is definitely on the cards for me this year. I’ve not been to a proper gaming convention (aside from Claymore, a few years back). There’s no way I could afford to to go to GenCon in the states. Here’s the blurb from the official Q-Con website. Q-Con is the annual Gaming & Anime Convention…

  • First time freelancing!

    I’ve just finished 27,000 words on Demons for the Secret Fire RPG, the first supplement: Fragment 1: The Way of Tree, Sword and Flame. For me, this is the longest thing I’ve ever written on a single subject and I’m kind of chuffed to get it done with several days to spare until the deadline.I’ve…