Tag: Dark Heresy
Plans for 2013
My work life is pretty much leaving me with very little spare time. Working the hours I am right now, I’m pretty tired when I get back. I’m still able run RPGs, and play in them, but some of my other projects are going to have to be shelved for the time being. The Mandragora:…
ORC: Looking forward, looking back
It is hard to believe that I’ve been maintaining the site at http://orcedinburgh.co.uk for over a year after taking stewardship from Dave @ KOA. I got my renewal reminder from the hosting company the other day. Hopefully I’ve managed to continue the same tradition of keeping the community open to all gamers in Edinburgh. The…
Cthulhutech Edinburgh – Tick Tock Tick Tock
Gaming-wise, I’ve a new PC in Rogue Trader: Diogenes Valexor is the new Navigator. It took a while to create him and again the rulebook is badly laid out – yeah, it looks pretty, but two pages on how to create a PC would be nice! I’m hoping that he develops a little bit more,…