Category: Reviews

  • 2025 – A year in review

    2025 has been a mixed year for me but here goes. My creative output this year has not been great but I was expecting that, given my health and potential for exhaustion. It meant my writing had to take a back seat for a while. Despite this, I haven’t done too badly. Workload I indexed…

  • Q-CON 2015

    It’s been a few weeks since Q-CON 2015, at Queen’s University Belfast. I’d hoped to get this written down while it was still fresh in my mind, but circumstances conspired against me! It’s only a short flight to Belfast , but I got the ridiculously early (cheap!) 7am flight. After the nightmare of queuing for…

  • Surviving the UK Games Expo! And Mutant: Year 0

    I got back from the UK Games Expo last Monday. It’s quite an experience if you’ve never been and something every gamer should try. I’ll try and break down my experiences by day. Thursday Thursday did not start well, but not the fault of theExpo. I repacked my case again, so the books wouldn’t roll…

  • Mecha vs. Kaiju – Review

    Mecha vs. Kaiju has a fairly simple idea at its core – the player characters are pilots of giant robots (mecha) against gigantic Kaiju (Strange Beasts) – giant monsters (think Godzilla, Rodan, etc.). These mecha defend the islands of Japan against these Kaiju. The RPG uses the core FATE system as its rulebase. I understand…

  • Corporia RPG – Review

    The Corporia RPG has a very interesting premise: the Knights of the Round Table are reincarnated in the near-future. The setting: an apparent utopia known simply as The City (which can be set anywhere), run by mega-corporations. One of these is Valyant, where the CEO is the reincarnation of Sir Lancelot du Lac. An energy…

  • Conpulsion 2015 – Review

    In keeping with previous conventions I’ve attended (Dragonmeet and Q-CON) I thought its only fair to review Conpulsion in the same way. “Conpulsion is Scotland’s oldest, largest gaming convention” as it is billed, run by GEAS, the Edinburgh University RPG society. Ironically, I’ve lived in Edinburgh for over 40 years and this is the first…

  • Dragonmeet 2014

    So, after Q-CON earlier this year, I decided to try and make it to Dragonmeet, a gaming convention held in London’s Earls Court. I had a pretty pleasant train journey down from Edinburgh, although London rush hour is not a favourite of mine now. I was staying with my sister in Hackney so, accommodation-wise, things…

  • Q-CON 2014 – Reviewing my first (proper) Gaming Con

    Q-CON 2014 was the first convention that I’ve properly attended. I’ve been to both a Stargate SG-1 convention in Vancouver, and the Edinburgh SESWC Claymore annual event, but Q-CON was the first proper gaming convention I’d spent more than a few hours in. Over the years, a number of us Edinburgh residents have been heading…

  • The Void RPG – Review

    The Void RPG is the latest offering from Wildfire, the makers of Cthulhutech. It’s a hard sci-fi setting, billed as part of the “Cthulhu Saga”. What follows is a review of sorts, although I should warn the reader that I do love Cthulhutech, so it may be slightly biased in favour of The Void RPG.…