Category: Dark Edinburgh
RPG retrospective 2012 – Edinburgh Gaming
In what’s become something of an annual tradition, I’m taking a look back over the year in a RPG retrospective. By that, I mean to talk about stuff that happened over the last year in various RPGs I’ve been involved with over the year. And events at ORC Edinburgh of course. I’ve had little chance…
Deep Ones! With Guns!
In my [amazon asin=1568821816&text=Cthulhutech&chan=default] game yesterday, the PCs were dealing with a group of Deep Ones who have apparently taken up residence within the Shore area of Edinburgh. If you’ve read HP Lovecraft’s Shadow over Innsmouth (you can read it here, along with other works of HP Lovecraft at , you’ll know what I’m talking…
2011 year end retrospective of ORC Edinburgh
ORC Edinburgh has had an “interesting” year – in the same vein as “May you live interesting times!”. This has been my second year as defacto ORC webmaster (and general heid yin) for ORC Edinburgh. I’m going to try to create these reviews on an annual basis. The year started off in a neo-Ice Age with…
September break!
I’ve been a busy guy over the last fortnight, both at work and at home. Work has been mad, but I’ve found some time to complete the following at long last. Secret Fire Games – website I’ve built a new website for Secret Fire Games, using WordPress and also phpBB3 for the forum. I created…
An ORC Horde
As I recently posted on the ORC Edinburgh site and Facebook page, ORC has a lot of players and the site is the busiest I’ve seen it in a while. I find it a little ironic really that D&D is the most popular game, yet so few want to run it. With that in mind,…
Crawling Chaos
No, it’s not a reference to my flat or my mental state. It’s a reference to the HP Lovecraft creation known as Nyarlathotep. He/it is also mentioned in the Metallica song the The Thing that Should Not Be, which is about Innsmouth and the Deep Ones. With Halloween creeping closer, I’m getting back into the…
Cthulhutech Edinburgh – Tick Tock Tick Tock
Gaming-wise, I’ve a new PC in Rogue Trader: Diogenes Valexor is the new Navigator. It took a while to create him and again the rulebook is badly laid out – yeah, it looks pretty, but two pages on how to create a PC would be nice! I’m hoping that he develops a little bit more,…